Ogden Engineering & Associates (OE&A) of Tucson has been awarded an Air Force Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I contract to develop a high performance, “green” propulsion system for CubeSats. OE&A is teaming with Flight Works, Inc. of Irvine, California to develop the propulsion technology. The system will incorporate a low-pressure feed system and micro-pump fed thruster for use in power-constrained applications.
Successful demonstration of OE&A’s green monopropellants, with their high density and reduced toxicity, will reduce the industry’s dependence on hydrazine-based monopropellants. This will reduce environmental and health risks to operations and maintenance personnel, and allow CubeSat users to plan for missions requiring greater maneuverability - including orbit insertion, maintenance, and disposal.
Let us help!   We are a small business organized to develop and maintain close personal ties with our Clients to meet their needs and maximize their potential for success. The company will utilize its network of scientists, engineers and environmental professionals to provide specialized services through the formation of multidisciplinary teams. This teamed approach ensures rapid response and cost effective service for our Clients.